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You Can 'Design' Your Life

(Don't allow others to steal your dreams)

When you change the way you think, feel, speak and act, you begin to change the world around you.
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  • author A book by
    Mahendra Pokhriyal
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About The Author

Mahendra Pokhriyal, the Founder of MB Infotrain Academy and the author of the life changing book "You Can Design Your Life", feels that every individual deserves a better life on this earth. However, most people are not aware of the potential power that lies within them and hence living a mediocre life. This book can be an extremely inspiring and motivating friend and guide in designing and shaping your life provided you are willing to change your thought patterns. Our thought pattern is mouldable just like soft clay and can be re-directed to any direction we wish to route it.

All the power that is required to change our life is already lying within each of us. This book is aimed to provide a reader the tools and techniques for doing the right things step by step by planning well and executing with excellence. If you clearly understand and apply these tools and techniques in your day-to-day life, health, wealth, happiness, and peace of mind will be a natural phenomenon.

The Book Chapters

  1. Design Your Knowledge
  2. Design your Inner-Self
  3. Design Your Thoughts
  4. Design Your Way Out from Struggles
  5. Design Your Mind
  6. Design Your Life

Who This Book is For

Though, this book can be a great help to all those who are seeking change in life, but for the student community, this can prove more beneficial. Student’s life is an important phase of learning. Along with academic knowledge, one must use the time and opportunities to learn and develop new ideas, creative thoughts, right attitudes, skills and be ambitious to convert dreams into reality.

Book Reviews

See what our readers are saying.
"The book is really good, the best part is the short examples which gives clear understanding of topic and very useful for youngsters, people get motivate and learn from each topic."
Ronak shah
"I am really glad I bought it. It's very informative, heartfelt and easy to understand, generously you have shared with us glimpses of your family life and inspired us"
Sanjay Kumar
"The way Mr. Pokhriyal has expressed his experiences and thoughts are very realistic and relatable, by applying those thoughts in your daily life, you can achieve your desired goals."
"An amazing book based on a real story of a person with whom I have been acquainted since past 2 decades. How a person can change their lives once they are firm with their vision."
Anuj Shah
"Amazing book written by the author. One must not only read this book but also implement it into their daily routine to change their life and achieve their goals."

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